Comprehensive Solar System Design: From Module to Point of Interconnection (POI) In the dynamic and rapidly evolving solar energy landscape,…
The MV collection system, which routes power from wind turbines or inverters to the grid is often one of the costliest and most critical aspects of any renewable project. Limitations ranging from landowner participation, highways, railways, pipelines, and soil thermal resistivity all pose challenges when designing collection systems.
NEI’s team of collection system design engineers can work alongside your team to evaluate and recommend design alternatives that not only optimize up-front costs but also minimize long-term O&M costs. We work with our clients to address any physical routing limitations including landowner, environmental, and cultural constraints, and produce an efficient and cost-effective design. We also focus on the smaller electrical details to ensure constructability in the field and successful interconnection of the wind turbine and inverters. NEI has experience with the most widely used wind turbine and inverter OEMs and can help identify construction challenges upfront for fewer design changes, easier installation, and a minimized budget.
Cost management
Featured Tech Paper
This paper will focus on the procedures used in designing a large scale wind farm and the methods to estimate the expected energy generated.
Comprehensive Solar System Design: From Module to Point of Interconnection (POI) In the dynamic and rapidly evolving solar energy landscape,…
Energy Storage Solutions for Your Industry In today’s ever-changing power landscape, reliability is the cornerstone of a sustainable energy grid….
Real-Time Data and Communication Networks at your Fingertips In today’s data-centric environment, SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems are…
System Performance and Reliability Through Studies An optimized design that balances reliability and cost requires strategically selecting required power system…